
The Social Issue

The UK gambling industry is worth an estimated £15 billion and has the highest rate of suicide of all addictions.

‘Gamble’ explores the world of online gambling, and gambling addiction. It is a bittersweet multimedia show about addiction that is bold, comedic and with a raw personal story at its heart. The production draws on Hannah Walkers experience of being in a relationship with a compulsive gambler and features interviews with gambling industry experts, compulsive gamblers and their family members. The show aims to de-stigmatise gambling addiction.

Creating Change in Society

We wish to de-stigmatise gambling addiction and campaign for systemic change.

When I discovered my partner had been gambling compulsively online I didn’t tell anyone about what was happening because I was afraid they’d judge him.

After attending GamAnon, I began to share my story. It’s so important to me that audiences leave the show knowing gambling has nothing to do with someone’s character. We need to campaign for public health messaging similar to those on cigarettes.
— Hannah Walker

We want to:

  • Signpost people in the right direction to get the support they need

  • Raise awareness of gambling addiction’s effects on health & wellbeing and systemic injustices within the industry

  • Encourage participants to contact their MPs regarding legislation & public health provision around online gambling

  • Help people become aware of the risks of gambling addiction, noticing gambling problems in themselves, friends and family

Audience Engagement

For every 1 person affected by gambling addiction there’s 6 others affected.

Gamble points to how isolating it can be and how hard it is to spot in loved ones. The hope is the performance will start audiences having conversations in a non-judgemental way with their friends and family.

Free sheet given to audiences

Board outside venue

There were invaluable zoom sessions run during the Fringe for problem gamblers and family members with Dr Matt Gaskell and BSL performer Amy Cheskin.

Collaborators, Hannah Walker and Rosa Postlethwaite met at Queen Mary University, London, in 2011 and have been working together professionally since 2016. They connect with audiences by sharing the beauty, pain and humour found in everyday life and draw on autobiographical stories to open up conversation about social issues.

Post Edinburgh Fringe

  • Gamble is facilitating a week of workshops with a women’s homeless charity in Glasgow and a showcase at the end. 

  • Hannah is Speaking at a GAMSTOP event about her experience

  • Gambleaware has provided a map of the areas of the UK that are highly prevalent with gambling addiction and Hannah will tour the show to these places. This experience will be created into a documentary. 

  • The script is getting published.


The Mirror

The Voice Interview

Sunday Post

Need Help?

Support for Gamblers:

NHS Northern Gambling Service:
0300 300 1490

NHS National Problem Gambling Clinic
020 7381 7722

Gamcare Natiional Gambling Helpline
0808 8020 133

Gamblers Anonymous
0330 094 0322

Support for Family & Friends:


Gambling with lives
07774 617771


Blocking Tools:




Rebels & Patriots